Thomas Ramey Watson

Plant-Based Diets for Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome, also known as syndrome X, is a medical disorder characterized by the so-called “deadly quartet”: abdominal obesity, high fasting blood sugars, high triglycerides, and high blood pressure. Metabolic syndrome can set people up for liver disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. It’s been estimated to afflict about a quarter of the American …

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The Future of Skype Is Dog Talk

This owner helps model what Skyping for dogs would look like by playing a fullscreen Youtube video for her dog, Gaytor, to engage in conversational woof-ing. Read more:

Yoga’s Mental Health Benefits Analyzed In New Review Of Studies

Of those studies included in their review, published in the journal Frontiers In Affective Disorders And Psychosomatic Research, they found evidence that yoga provides a benefit in depression, schizophrenia (when done alongside drug therapy), ADHD and problems with sleep. However, researchers didn’t find clear evidence showing yoga had a benefit on people with eating disorders …

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