Thomas Ramey Watson

My Published Books

I am a writer of non-fiction, fiction, and poetry. Nominated for Poet Laureate of Colorado, I have published creative and scholarly works in a number of nationally circulated magazines and journals. 

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About Thomas Ramey Watson

Thomas Ramey Watson, Ph.D., is an affiliate faculty member of Regis University’s College of Professional Studies in Denver, Colorado. He has served as the Episcopal chaplain for the Auraria University and College Campus in Denver and taught English for the University of Colorado at Denver.

He has trained as a psychotherapist, has done postdoctoral work at Cambridge University, and was named a Research Fellow at Berkeley Divinity School at Yale University. He is the author of many scholarly writings, including an acclaimed book on Milton, Perversions, Originals, and Redemptions in Paradise Lost. He is a published author of poetry, fiction, and articles about counseling and coaching.

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I’ve known Tom Watson as a professor of literature and writing, author, therapist and coach. In every role he is deeply engaged with the process of learning, keenly aware the bigger picture, with a historical depth often lacking nowadays even in many professionals. If they have it, a know-it-all attitude often gets in the way. Not with Dr, Watson. He tries to pull out the best in everyone. His insights are always valuable, wide-ranging and helpful to everyone willing to do the work. His expectations are high but he’s there to support us. If we want to do our best, he can make a huge difference.

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