Thomas Ramey Watson

Golden Retrievers Key To Longest, Largest Dog Cancer Study Ever Conducted

For Louie and 2,999 other purebred goldens, it will be the study of a lifetime. Their lives – usually a 10-to-14-year span – will be tracked for genetic, nutritional and environmental risks to help scientists and veterinarians find ways to prevent canine cancer, widely considered the No. 1 cause of death in older dogs, said …

Golden Retrievers Key To Longest, Largest Dog Cancer Study Ever Conducted Read More »

Chimpanzees Successfully Play the Ultimatum Game: Apes’ Sense of Fairness Confirmed

In the study, researchers tested six adult chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and 20 human children (ages 2 — 7 years) on a modified Ultimatum Game. One individual chose between two differently colored tokens that, with his or her partner’s cooperation, could be exchanged for rewards (small food rewards for chimpanzees and stickers for children). One token …

Chimpanzees Successfully Play the Ultimatum Game: Apes’ Sense of Fairness Confirmed Read More »

Cat fed with chopsticks video

Eating food from a dish looks to be old hat for this cat who’s fed treats with chopsticks. In reality, the method actually keeps kittens from biting or scratching for treats during training. The chopsticks allow the human to help their cat learn patience while honing muscles and balance. Read more: