Thomas Ramey Watson

Mother’s Day

I see that Hooters is offering free meals to any mother whose family takes her along.

I am reminded of one of the more fun outings with my own mother back in the 90s when I had Baltho. My sister Victoria Baseggio, her kids, I, and our mother were shopping at May D & F. We learned that Fabio had just been there signing posters but had left just before we arrived. We hadn’t known of his visit till then.

“Oh no, Mother you wanted to come to May D & F just for a signed poster!” I lamented.

The clerk said, “I’m so sorry but we don’t have any more posters. They were gone within an hour.”

I looked at my mom and said, “That really is too bad.”

“Are you sure you don’t have another one hidden away somewhere for my mom?” I asked. “It would certainly brighten her morning to wake up and see Fabio looking down on her with his fabulous face and body.”

I looked at my mom, who was trying to ignore me.

“I know how lonely you are. I’m sure Fabio would get your juices flowing like nothing else, except Diane yelling at the cats.”

“Yes, I imagine my saliva would be making me choke,” she said.

“Well you’d hop right out of bed and be ready to go” I said. A win-win situation, you know.”


Don’t forget you can read more about Baltho and my family, including my mom in my book, Baltho the Dog Who Owned a Man, which is readily available on, as well as on my website and elsewhere. If you order directly from me, I’ll send you an inscribed and signed copy for the regular price of a paperback ($14.99):

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