Cat opens refrigerator and grabs midnight snack
A cat opens the door to the fridge and grabs a midnight snack. For more hilarious pet videos check out Follow Petsami on Twitter.
A cat opens the door to the fridge and grabs a midnight snack. For more hilarious pet videos check out Follow Petsami on Twitter.
Melchior, my reincarnate Afghan hound puppy (of Baltho and then Hattie), watched the imaginative and very funny first episode of Wilfred with me last night on Netflix. It’s about a man and an imaginary dog (played by a man in a dog costume). Dog and animal lovers will love it. Sky, our adopted Afghan, btw, …
I see that Hooters is offering free meals to any mother whose family takes her along. I am reminded of one of the more fun outings with my own mother back in the 90s when I had Baltho. My sister Victoria Baseggio, her kids, I, and our mother were shopping at May D & F. …
Watch enlightening video about education nowadays. A curious phenomenon has crept into the school systems all across the world, and it’s threatening to violently derail social progress. Sir Ken Robinson brilliantly describes the death of creativity in the name of education with perhaps the driest British wit in existence. From the idea that literally everyone …
Meet The Horrifying Demon That Has Crept Into Our School System Read More »
Watch cartoon.
In your new book, “The Autistic Brain,” you seriously entertain possible links between vaccines and autism in children, links that scientists have vehemently dismissed. Well, there’s only one vaccine that could possibly be a problem, and that’s the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. Now that they’ve changed the vaccine, it has fewer antigens, and that would make it …
Interview with Temple Grandin on Autism, Death, Cows, and Celibacy Read More »