Dominic The Pit Bull Puppy Cuddles And Comforts Animal Patients At Colorado Veterinary Clinic (PHOTOS)
Our natural human tendency is to blame the victim. When Calvinism dominated the Western World, predestination helped those who considered themselves Chosen gloat over what was often good luck. They could easily look down on those who were not so fortunate, even believing that they were not Chosen, hadn’t received the special grace necessary to …
Next time you’re plowing through a days-long pile of work, barely looking up from your computer, consider this: Breaks are scientifically-proven to boost focus and productivity. A 2008 University of Illinois study found that the brain’s attentional resources drop after a long period of focusing on a single task, decreasing our focus and hindering performance. …
I’ve witnessed the “Me and Jesus” mentality that has taken over so many evangelicals. God wants us all rich has become their very unbiblical mantra–along with, when we take Jesus as Savior all we have to do is believe, and we’re going to Heaven. There’s little attention to the old and very solid idea that …
The three religions of the Book, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, affirm the importance of Creation, for all three believe that God purposefully brought everything that is into Being. Because of that we are called to value creation and protect it. Christianity goes even further with the central Doctrine of the Incarnation, the notion that God …