You’d think with the springs going out on our fainting couch that we were a nation whose bedsprings got no wear and tear, but you’d be wrong.
Americans have sex on average 2.3 times a week, and 19 out of 20 Americans have had premarital sex.
Americans like to have sex for pleasure, as indicated by the universal use of contraception.
Americans like to mix it up, too, as the rapid rise in Americans adm
itting to anal sex demonstrates. Needless to say, Americans also love porn, and conservatives who denounce other people’s sexual choices are even more avid consumers of porn than people who take a
more live-and-let-live attitude.
Americans reconcile our desire for the fainting couch and our desires
for the sex swing through refusing to reconcile it. Instead, we treat sex like
we treat church and drug use, with old-fashioned hypocrisy.
Ninety-five percent of Americans have had premarital sex, but 36 percent of us believe premarital sex is morally wrong Even if you allow that the 5 percent abstainers are all disapprovers, that still means nearly 1 in 3 Americans disapprove when others make the same sexual choices they do.