Hero Dogs: 10 Canines Who Went Above And Beyond In 2012 (VIDEO)
Kitten Associates’ “Kitties for Kids” program lets youngsters cuddle with furry residents. JaneA Kelley I was as shocked and horrified as people all over the U.S. when I heard about the tragic events unfolding in Newtown, Connecticut, just a week ago. I have a special connection to Newtown and Sandy Hook Elementary School because Kitten …
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Every day, student crossing guards outside a middle school in Washington state get a helping hand from a black cat who arrives “like clockwork,” KAPP reports. According to the station, 15-year-old cat Sable comes outside before the bell rings each afternoon at Enterprise Middle School in West Richland to watch the kids cross the road. …
Black Cat Is The World’s Most Loyal Crossing Guard (VIDEO) Read More »
Researchers are finding out if implanting a “pacemaker-like” device in the brain of a person with Alzheimer’s disease could help to stop the condition in its tracks. “Recent failures in Alzheimer’s disease trials using drugs such as those designed to reduce the buildup of beta amyloid plaques in the brain have sharpened the need for …
Deep Brain Stimulation Implant Tested In Alzheimer’s Trial Read More »
A powerful cancer fighter might be sitting right on your plate. A new study from Baylor College of Medicine researchers shows that a compound found in cruciferous veggies, like broccoli, is able to kill leukemia cells in the laboratory. The findings, published in the journal PLoS ONE, showed that incubating the compound, called sulforaphane, with …
Sulforaphane, Compound In Broccoli, Could Fight Leukemia Read More »