Thomas Ramey Watson

Make The Homeless Smile: Pranksters ‘True Story ASA’ Make Heartwarming Video Giving To Those In Need (VIDEO)

A homeless man with a hair-raising talent got some big bucks recently from his newfound fans.

While filming a prank in March, the team from YouTube’s “Whatever” channel met Clydesdale, a homeless California man who can make his moustache dance. The crew posted a short clip of Clydesdale’s upper-lip skill to the Internet and it got over 1 million views, prompting them to find a way to help out the talented guy.

They started an Indiegogo fundraiser and collected more than $2,000.

The three pranksters met up with Clydesdale after they finished fundraising and gave him a check for $3,000, a gift certificate and some clothes. One T-shirt boasts “my moustache can boogie.”


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