Gorillas Astounded By Tiny Caterpillar At Calgary Zoo (VIDEO)
Many people now think we should just avoid studying religion altogether. They want nothing to do with it, so they think ignoring it and its effects on the world will make things better and make us wiser. I firmly reject this notion. As with all issues, they get worse when ignored. The Western world is …
Things were hopping in Live Oak, California this week when a domesticated rabbit running loose prompted an animal control officer to do some sleuthing. The bunny zig zagged across the neighborhood lawns like a bumblebee and eventually led the officer to a backyard where he met another 26 rabbits who were the result of pet …
Or so they say. Even though I love cats, I don’t believe it. Dogs are great too. ****** The video claims cats are astute contributes to society, while dogs are mere window-lickers. The validity of the study is questionable and some have attributed it to propaganda by the “Cat Army Propaganda Department.” Regardless, the video …
Science settles the cat/dog question ONCE AND FOR ALL. Read More »
Most people run from wolves but one brave couple spent six years of their lives living with the feared creatures in an effort to better understand their way of life. Jim and Jamie Dutcher lived in a tent within the world’s largest wolf enclosure in a bid to observe and document the behaviour of the …
Couple’s extraordinary bond with wolves after spending SIX YEARS living among them Read More »
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