Surprised red panda
Couple of things about baby red pandas: 1) they’re perfect, 2) when you surprise them they’re even more perfect. Watch video.
Couple of things about baby red pandas: 1) they’re perfect, 2) when you surprise them they’re even more perfect. Watch video.
Armstrong Baillie is sticking his neck out for a good cause. Twice a week for the past six months, the 32-year-old Scotland native has dressed up in an elaborate homemade giraffe costume and carried out random acts of kindness, the BBC reports. Calling himself “the Good Giraffe,” Baillie, has cleaned up litter, handed out free …
When Reddit user Chaseburger came across a tiny kitten covered in filth and fleas in Virginia, he did something most people wouldn’t: He adopted it. He was from out of state, living in a hotel and busy working on an independent film, with hardly any time to care for an abandoned animal. Yet, he managed …
Tiny Kitten Cheeto’s Heartwarming Rescue Goes Viral (SLIDESHOW) Read More »
This sweet little mouse just wants to cuddle with his kitty friend. This is super cute. Read more:
Scientists have identified a gene mutation that triples the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The findings were published online Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine and involved collaboration by more than 44 research institutions. More, including notes on habits that help prevent ALZ.
By Cherise Udell It is not surprising then that many a philosopher, poet, writer and politician have had their imaginations set on fire by the mere presence of a feline in their lives. Below, I have compiled a list of some of my favorite quotes that capture the essence of our feline companions — ENJOY! …