Animals who are third wheels videos
11 Animals Who Can Relate To Being The Awkward Third Wheel View videos.
11 Animals Who Can Relate To Being The Awkward Third Wheel View videos.
Abandoned Red fox cub Rosie and mixed terrier Maddy appear to be the real-life counterparts of the stars of the 1980s Disney classic, ‘The Fox And The Hound.’ Richard Bowler, who lives in Wales, adopted Rosie in April after her father killed most of the other pups in her litter, according to the British press …
Animal control officers in Anderson, South Carolina, thought that a barking Shih-Tzu was stuck in a ravine. Turns out, she was there nursing and protecting a tiny abandoned kitten she had found. More (with pics).
This cat video always make me laugh, partly because I’ve had lots of cats who acted like dogs. And my Afghan Hounds always have lots of cat in them–along with horse, and sometimes monkey. Go to site and watch videos.
Arkansas may be the last place anyone would think of when it comes to progressive prison programs, but the state does boast one that’s helping inmates while saving the lives of local shelter dogs. Paws in Prison is a training program that rescues dogs in shelters from euthanization. Those dogs are coupled with inmates who …
Watch Inmates and Rescue Dogs Change Each Other for the Better (VIDEO) Read More »
From AlterNet / By Maggie Beidelman . . . Americans are severely lacking in potassium, magnesium and Vitamin E, nutrients that are found in the whole wheat seed, but not in modern white flour — and not as much as you’d think in whole wheat flour, either. “There’s pretty good evidence that being short on …
What I Discovered When I Tried to Get to the Bottom of My Gluten Intolerance Read More »