Loss Group forming
Starting a group for people who’ve lost their animal and/or human companions and need help dealing with it. Denver. Please spread the word. 303-650-0610
Starting a group for people who’ve lost their animal and/or human companions and need help dealing with it. Denver. Please spread the word. 303-650-0610
Himay Zepeda Often times, during a dark hour or an idle point, a book has changed my life. There are countless books that have pointed me in a different direction, or taught me a lesson. There are also many books that have helped me articulate my own emotions or thoughts, helped me find a voice. …
What’s interesting is recently science and experts have validated many of the lessons ancient thinkers knew but could not prove. Here are 7 new ideas from the old world that can make your life better: Read more of this insightful article by Eric Barker, a writer for Wired magazine. He uses the latest findings in …
7 Ancient Ideas That Will Improve Your Modern Life Read More »
I was outside talking to someone in my back yard. He’s a cat lover. Noir found us and started rubbing on my legs. We talked about my burgeoning fruit trees. Suddenly, Noir jumped up on my back, digging his claws in to hold on while he purred. Bent over so he’d stop digging in, I …
Watch wonderful video (even though it is a commercial.
Love her or hate her, you can’t deny that Ayn Rand, the 20th century’s most bellicose/eloquent (select adjective based on political persuasion) defender of laissez-faire capitalism, is experiencing a revival. Sales of her 50-year-old magnum opus, Atlas Shrugged, for years second only to the Bible, are soaring even more this year. Two major publishing houses …