Thomas Ramey Watson

Americans are obsessed with happiness, but other cultures see things differently

In Eastern cultures, the emphasis is on attainment of social harmony, where community and belonging are held in high regard. In Western cultures, the emphasis is on attainment of happiness, where the individualistic self tends to be celebrated. These values translate to different weights placed on personal happiness. In one paper, Oishi and his colleagues …

Americans are obsessed with happiness, but other cultures see things differently Read More »

Original, 1928 Illustration Of Pooh, Christopher Robin and Piglet Could Fetch Over $200K

Even with their faces obscured, Shepard’s drawing manages to give each character a unique sense of self — courageous Christopher Robin hangs over the top rail, while Pooh mimics his best friend below. The ever devoted Piglet gently places her hand on Pooh’s back, watching the water from a safer distance as it floats by. …

Original, 1928 Illustration Of Pooh, Christopher Robin and Piglet Could Fetch Over $200K Read More »

Playing Music Gives Brains A ‘Full Body Workout,’ Says Science

Recent studies by neuroscientists of FMRI scans show that whereas activities like reading a book, doing math problems, or even listening to music only stimulate partsof the brain, playing an instrument engages the whole organ. Not only does the musician’s brain light up like the sky on the Fourth of July as it hustles to …

Playing Music Gives Brains A ‘Full Body Workout,’ Says Science Read More »