Thomas Ramey Watson

Integration of body, mind, spirit


My little grey Beardie/Beardie mix, Flopsy, one of many rescue animals that have been part of my life.

The easiest, sweetest dog I’ve ever had.

Wisdom for Our Days

In these very troubled times, we must be centered.

We center by integrating the various aspects of our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

We avoid extremes. This process is facilitated by meditation, prayer, and reading insightful books. All of us need good guides—reliable therapists, coaches, teachers, healers, ministers, and friends.

We must own our Shadows so they do not own us. We can, and m ust, remain positive without being unrealistic about the evils that beset

us on every side.

Times of trouble test us. We rise to the occasion and become better people because we pass the tests that life presents to us.

We move toward wholeness. If we consistently avoid, and fail, our tests, we degenerate into something less than human, deformed, less than what we have been intended to be.

I offer various services—some of which may not seem closely related at first.

Yet on deeper inspection we realize they are. They are part of a life and intelligence that is creative and expansive, valuing good relationships among all things—human, animal, plant. My teaching background is related to my writing, just as my counseling and coaching are part of who I am and what I hold important. My life, like my work, is holistic.

I garden because gardening teaches us vital lessons about our existence.

We do not reach wholeness alone. We reach it in partnership with fellow journeyers, through sustained and cooperative efforts even with species that do not at first seem very sympathetic.