Cat Snuggles Bunny (Video)
First of all, as married people know, not all marriages are created equal. A happy one is sure to increase an overwhelming sense of emotional support and well-being, which is associated with lower levels of depression, cardiac death and other chronic and occasionally fatal diseases. But an unhappy marriage produces quite the opposite. “A bad …
Being single can be healthier than being in a relationship Read More »
Dogs are more capable of understanding situations from a human’s point of view than has previously been recognised, according to researchers. They found dogs were four times more likely to steal food they had been forbidden, when lights were turned off so humans in the room could not see. This suggested the dogs were able …
Dogs understand human perspective, say researchers Read More »
But these efforts may be costing us even more lives. According to Cornell University researchers cited in Bloomberg Businessweek, after 9/11, frightened travelers switching from flights to drives resulted in over 200 more traffic fatalities every month. In the long term, due to security hassles, about 5 percent fewer people fly than used to, resulting …
Rick Steves: Is Airport Security Helping Or Hurting? Read More »
alentine’s Day is right around the corner and while it might be just a card company holiday, it’s always nice to take a day to tell those you love that they mean something to you. And it doesn’t have to be romantic love … there’s all sorts of love out there. There’s the love between …
Owls are famous for the incredible way they can turn their heads around without moving their lower bodies at all, an adaptation allowing them to zero in on visual targets without alerting potential prey, or predators, with their body movements. While popular mythology has it that owls can turn their heads all the way around, …