Thomas Ramey Watson


Why Silence Is So Good For Your Brain

We live in a loud and distracting world, where silence is increasingly difficult to come by — and that may be negatively affecting our health. In fact, a 2011 World Health Organization report called noise pollution a “modern plague,” concluding that “there is overwhelming evidence that exposure to environmental noise has adverse effects on the …

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5 Types Of Meditation That Don’t Require Sitting Still

Contrary to popular belief, meditation doesn’t always mean sitting in lotus pose with your eyes closed. In fact, most people are unaware that you can practice meditation virtually anywhere — sitting still is not a requirement. The true beauty of meditation lies in the fact that you can make your practice perfectly suited to your …

5 Types Of Meditation That Don’t Require Sitting Still Read More »

The Real Reason You Get Sick After A Stressful Period Has Ended

You can do this by pacing yourself when you’re under pressure, getting plenty of exercise and sleep, eating healthfully and taking time to decompress on a regular basis (with meditation, rhythmic breathing or other relaxation techniques), says Dr. Nieca Goldberg, medical director of the Joan H. Tisch Center for Women’s Health at the NYU Langone …

The Real Reason You Get Sick After A Stressful Period Has Ended Read More »

As a Holocaust Survivor, I Know This Small Action Is the True Antidote to Hate

On this Holocaust Remembrance Day, I am very concerned when I see presidential candidates fanning the flames of animosity. In the ’30s in Germany, Jews were the target, but the dangerous rhetoric of today is focused on Muslims and particularly Syrian refugees. Like the anti-Semitic tirades of decades ago, many of the same ingredients are …

As a Holocaust Survivor, I Know This Small Action Is the True Antidote to Hate Read More »