Thomas Ramey Watson


The pros and cons of marijuana

Erez Batat writes: Whenever I read a blog about cannabis, I feel like I am watching a presidential debate with only one candidate. The blog will either demand to legalize the plant due to its magical properties, or will list the horrific impact it will have on society. As always, the truth is neither here …

The pros and cons of marijuana Read More »

6 lessons in happiness from one of the happiest nations in the world

Natalie Matushenko writes: I share what I have learned about being happy over the past six years in the hope that it will help others reflect on the changes we can all make to be happier in our lives. Here’s what I’ve learned: Read more

A starter guide for Shadow Work that actually works

Via Ivy Rose Latchford writes: From what I was reading at the time, most people felt that the shadow included the worst parts of ourselves, and in order to be successful, the seekers would need to integrate these characteristics into their personality. This didn’t really make sense to me. Why would I want to integrate …

A starter guide for Shadow Work that actually works Read More »

The Real Causes Of Depression Have Been Discovered, And They’re Not What You Think

Johann Hari, author most recently of Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions, writes: The more I investigated depression and anxiety, the more I found that, far from being caused by a spontaneously malfunctioning brain, depression and anxiety are mostly being caused by events in our lives. If you …

The Real Causes Of Depression Have Been Discovered, And They’re Not What You Think Read More »